We talk about 3 Articles ab out education, about how teacher’s aren’t alright, about the decisions we make daily, and about social media reach in our students. Please share with your teacher friends, and we hope you enjoy.
In this Episode, we talk all the things on our wishlists for the upcoming Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals! From MacBooks to Drones, from building toys to class gifts, we have it all! Hope you enjoy, and don't forget to share!
On this episode, Mike and Tom tell us what they did to keep their sanity during the Pandemic. It’s a long one, but full of fun! Thanks for listening!
Tom and Mike talk about the right to unplug after school hours, International Podcast day, and some wisdom from Abraham Lincoln. Hope you Enjoy!
We talk Digital Citizenship Week and Month and what BUSD does to help Students be great Digital Citizens! Also, what's new with us, and three random questions from our PodDeck! Hope You Enjoy!
In they special Bonus Episode, we cover
1. the growing homeless crisis in SoCal,
2. What the actual definition of homeless is according to the McKinney-Vento Act,
3. What specific rights are guaranteed to homeless students in our districts,
4. Resources within our school district and other school districts for our homeless students,
5. Questions leaders should be considering as we reopen campus in regards to homeless education,
6. Tips to help teachers recognize homeless students, and ways teachers can help these students in and out of the classroom, and finally,
7. resources from LA County ( to help residents with homelessness, as well as a wide variety of issues. I researched the topic thought he LACOE website ( , the CDE website (, and even national resources from the National Center for Homeless Education website ( Day 10! We made it! Today we talk about our prefect classrooms! Thanks for joining us on this journey! More tech talk coming soon!
Day 9 of the 10x10Challenge! Today we talk about going back to the future! What are our tech predictions in Education! Thanks for listening!
Today we walk about if we could have something names after us, what would it be? Day 8 of the 10x10 Challenge! We hope you enjoy