#CUE16 Spectacular Supreme Extravaganza Showcase #2
OMG Twitter! #tosachat and #connectedtl importance to this conference, and making us feel like insiders. Shout out to #SGVCue, our local affiliate and local CUE peeps. We discuss some more sessions we enjoyed from Friday and Saturday as well as some new manic minutes with @msbaker62, @techynana, @Bribriggs and @cogswell_ben. Lots of Fanboy adoration for all of the awesome educators we met and ways to continue to grow our PLC/PLN.
Also, we talk about the CUE Karaoke, fun and good times had by all!
#Cue16 Spectacular Supreme Extravaganza Showcase #1
This episode is all about National CUE, and we had so much to say that we needed not 2, but 3 episodes to get this done. In this Podcast, we talk about day one, Thursday March 17th our #teambassett that went.
Mad props to all of the crazy educators we met. If this conference was one thing, it was social! Yvonne Flores, Marlo Leon and Belinda Puente join us for our CUE-ReVUE, sharing their in-session and out-of-session gems.
We also break up the podcast wih the Manic Minute, this time with Belinda and Marlo on the hot seat. Happy Listening
Lots of name dropping this episode, with all of our new PLC connections.
Thanks to the CTO Boys, Ryan and Brian, @edtechminded, @catetolnai, @cogswell_ben, @jcorippo, @lindseyblass1, @mindyahrens1, @bensonk49, @mrsjennarodgers, @techynana @msbaker62 #connectedTL #tosachat #podcastedu #cue16
Happy Listening!!
On this episode, Mike and Tom discuss the new Apple iOS release coming soon, 9.3. They went to an Apple event highlighting the changes coming for education, making iPads easier to deploy and use within a classroom setting. Thanks to Whittier City School District for hosting the event.
They also introduce a new segment called ManicMinute. Their guest tries to answer a series of introductory questions in the shortest time possible. They roped in three of their colleagues to beta test the segment, and those first three guinea pigs are in the second segment of todays show.
Lastly, Tom and Mike gush about a couple of sessions @ the upcoming CUE 2016 and do some name dropping, with a new sound effect to boot!
We hope to see you at CUE2016. Tweet us if you are there, we will be recording every night, and we would love to have you as a guest on our show!
#podcastpd #TTTBUSD, ##Tosachat @techtombusd, @techmikebusd, @PBLAmyBUSD, @PBLYvonneBUSD,
In this episode, we talk about PLCs and their expansion with Technology. We recaap out Tustin Connect Institute visit with a special guest, and we talk about teaching students how to make the most out of their content searches.
Show Notes
Twitter Chats
Tustin Unified School District
Tustin Connect Institute Conference:
Cue 2016 Conference
Google Search Education:Thanks to @creativedtech Ryan O’Donnell for the ideas and links for this training.
Ryan’s Blog on Weebly:
Google Search Education Site: