This Edition of TOSAs Talking Tech, Tom and Mike Highlight Veescope Live, a green screen app used in our district from k-12. We also have our final CUE Revue with our Early Literacy Specialists, and we have our first ever book review of Technology for teachers by Jennifer Gonzalez. @cultofpedagogy @veescope, @PuenteReadsBUSD @MarloReadsBUSD
Discovery Education Cue Connection
We hooked up with Discovery Education at CUE, and told them how much we loved the Discovery Educator Network (DEN) and Spotlight On Strategies (SOS) introduced this past year. In fact, Mike and Tom were DEN trainers for their district. In this episode, we interview Jessica Rivera and Jannita Demian (@jdemian) from Discovery Ed. About the new DEN and how it is changing the practice in classrooms across the country.
Manic Minute with meg Perry, our BIE PBL Specialist, and a App review of Adobe Voice for the iPad.
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